Leaf Update

We’ve updated the leaf pickup schedule. In order to give more time for leaf pickup, we’ve moved the pickups by our staff that was scheduled for March. The first pickup won’t be until the water is officially turned on, which is April 2nd. Please see the event schedule or the leaf pickup policy for dates.

Ladies room progress

Here is another photo of the much improved ladies room.  As said before the bathrooms are being redone and it was decided that the ladies rooms (Front and Back) would get done 1st.  There are new mirrors, new tile and a fresh coat of paint.  The floor in the showers themselves is going to be replaced with a raised and washable shower mat to be more sanitary.  The best part of the whole thing is that with the work being done by our own staff, and the bargains on the tile and mirrors we got this completed for very little money!

Volunteers needed for Memorial Day

Anyone wishing to participate or help out with our annual memorial day tribute to our veterans should contact Marty Coyle.  He can be reached at 856-627-3727.  We always have a large turnout for this special event and it is due to the help of the community.  If you are a veteran please step forward and be honored.

Potty Talk

While we are home dealing with the Winter, the Seashore Line crew is hard at work getting the resort ready for the season. One exciting improvement made during the off season is the updating of our shower houses. New tile, mirrors and extra niceties are being installed. Here are some photos from the work in progress.


A letter from Jeff James:

It is with great regret and sadness that I must turn in my resignation as president of the board of trustees.  Do to personal reasons I must do this now.  I also will no longer be a member of the ssl family and no one will ever know how bad this hurts me.  I know that you are left in good hard working hands by the remaining trustees.  I will ask that someone please step up and help the other trustees as this empty position will need to be filled asap.

I would just like to thank everyone who made me feel so welcome in the ssl community .  thank you all, I will always be a ssl family member in my heart, and best of luck to all of you.

Thank You,

Jeff James

Welcome Home

Hello everyone and welcome back to our Seashore line website.  Please keep watch as this site will be updated lots in the next few weeks, and throughout the season.  Any questions, comments or suggestions you can email me at webmaster@seashorelinecr.com.  See you all soon!