Where did the time fly off to? As the labor day weekend has come to a close it is amazing that we have already put another summer in the books. Whenever I meet up and speak with people at the park, I always hear how this place is unlike anything else. A place where we meet summer after summer and become family and make memories that keep us warm through the cold winter months. Thanks need to go out to all the people who have given so much of their time to make this the special place that it is. I would go into names but we all know who they are and I don’t want to offend anyone by missing a name. Thank you! I know we have Octoberfest still to go, but I for one am already looking forward to 2014 our 30th anniversary! We will have some great surprises for you come the spring and lots of good times ahead. Until then we’ll keep everyone updated as the off season moves along.